
Dermapen is a treatment that utilizes micro-needles to force your skin to heal itself by forcing collagen production. This promotes scarless healing and improves appearance of your scars, wrinkles and brings forward glowing healed skin.

Skinsation’s doctors use the Dermapen to puncture your skin as it moves across your skin. Consequently, this stimulates collagen production and nutrients are absorbed into the deeper layers of your skin.

The treatment is minimally invasive and requires no downtime, so feel free to get back to your daily schedule without any setbacks! If you’re in good health, on no acne medications, and not pregnant, then you’re completely set for the procedure. You only need to worry about mild irritation and redness post-procedure.

Dermapen/Skin needling allows doctors at Skinsation to force your skin’s self-repair mechanism to act up. As mentioned above, the result helps our patients by giving them younger, firmer, and smoother skin. The treatment works amazingly for all skin types, and is an especially effective treatment for patients with acne scarring, wrinkles and enlarged pores.

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